Conference Talks
Legend * implies invited ** implies conference poster ^ equal contribution
All conference abstracts passed peer-review unless mentioned otherwise.
Roy, S. and M.A. Edwards. (forthcoming) NSF Fellows’ attitudes on the research climate in STEM academia. AEESP Conference 2022, Jun 28-30, 2022, St. Louis, MO.
** Roy, S., K. Mosteller, M. Mosteller, K. Webber, V. Webber, S. Webber, L. Reid, L. Walters, and M.A. Edwards. (forthcoming). Citizen science chlorine surveillance during the Flint, Michigan federal water emergency. IWA Disinfection + DBPs, Jun 27-Jul 1, 2022, Milan, Italy.
** Roy, S. and M.A. Edwards. Exposing Infrastructure Inequality and Environmental Injustice through a Citizen Science-supported Graduate Training Program: The US Water Study Experience. C*Sci 2022, May 23-26, 2022, Virtual.
Roy, S., K. Mosteller, M. Mosteller, K. Webber, V. Webber, S. Webber, L. Reid, L. Walters, and M.A. Edwards. Citizen science chlorine surveillance during the Flint, Michigan federal water emergency. AWWA WQTC 2021, Nov 7-10, 2021, Tacoma WA.
Wait, K., S. Roy, and M.A. Edwards. Can Iron and Manganese Deposits on Copper and Stainless-Steel Plumbing Produce Rapid Pipe Failures at Water Temperatures >60°C? AWWA WQTC 2021, Nov 7-10, 2021, Tacoma WA.
** Edwards, M.A. and S. Roy. A “Public Inspired Science” Graduate Training Program. US National Academy of Engineering Promising Practices, 2021.
Roy, S. and M.A. Edwards. Are there excess fetal deaths attributable to waterborne lead exposure during the Flint Water Crisis? Evidence from Bio-kinetic Model Predictions and Vital Records. American Chemical Society (ACS) Fall 2021, Aug 22-26, 2021, Atlanta GA.
** Odimayomi, T., S. Roy, and M.A. Edwards. Tracking Lead (Pb) Release to Potable Water through Biosolids Data in Six Cities across North America: Challenges and Opportunities. AWWA ACE 2021, Jun 14-17, 2021.
Roy, S., M. Tang, and M.A. Edwards. Documenting Continued Reductions in Lead Release to Potable Water in the Aftermath of the Flint, MI Water Crisis. AWWA Virtual Summit on Water Quality and Infrastructure, Dec 8-10, 2020.
Edwards, M.A., J. Purchase, K.G. Lopez, and S. Roy. Engineering Ethics and Citizen Science in Underserved Communities: Experiences of The US Water Study Team. AEESP Converging COVID-19, environment, health, and equity conference, Oct 16-Nov 20, 2020.
Roy, S., Pieper, K.J., Battle, C., Lopez, K.G., and M.A. Edwards. Citizen science monitoring for India’s water sector: Tools and protocols from the US experience. AWWA India Annual Conference, Dec 13-14, 2019, Mumbai, India.
Roy, S., M. Tang, and M.A. Edwards. Lead (Pb) in water, childhood lead exposure, and adverse pregnancy outcomes during the Flint Water Crisis: Quantifying the “unknown”. American College of Toxicology Annual Meeting, Nov 17-19, 2019, Phoenix, AZ.
Roy, S., M. Tang, and M.A. Edwards. Lead (Pb) Exposure and Associated Adverse Health Outcomes During the Flint, Mich. Water Crisis: Quantifying the “Unknown.” AWWA WQTC, Nov 3-7, 2019, Dallas, TX.
Roy, S. and M.A. Edwards. The Promises and Perils of Citizen Science and Community Engagement witnessed in the Flint Water Crisis. International Society of Environmental Epidemiology, Aug 25-28, 2019, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
Roy, S. and M.A. Edwards. Anatomy of Public Health Crises: Flint MI and Washington D.C. Lead in Water Emergencies. International Society of Environmental Epidemiology, Aug 25-28, 2019, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
Roy, S., M. Tang, and M.A. Edwards. Lead Release to Potable Water during the Flint, Michigan Water Crisis as revealed by Routine Biosolids Monitoring Data. AWWA ACE, Jun 9-12, 2019, Denver, CO.
* Roy, S. Citizen science to monitor water quality in underserved communities and emergencies: Tools and protocols from the US experience. U.S.-Jordan Conference on Development and Policy Responses to the Syrian Refugee Crisis, Jun 4-7, 2019, Blacksburg, VA.
Roy, S. and M.A. Edwards. Citizen Science During the Flint, Michigan Federal Water Emergency: Ethical Dilemmas and Lessons Learned. AEESP Conference, May 14-16, 2019, Tempe, AZ.
Roy, S. and M.A. Edwards. A Case Study of Postmodern Science Anarchy and Ethics: The Flint, MI Federal Emergency. Forum on Philosophy, Engineering and Technology 2018, May 30-Jun 1, 2018, College Park, MD.
Roy, S. and M.A. Edwards. WRF 4658: Cavitation and Erosion Corrosion Resistance of Nonleaded Alloys in Chlorinated Potable Water. AWWA WQTC, Nov 12-16, 2017, Portland, OR.
Roy, S. and M.A. Edwards. Cavitation and Erosion Corrosion Resistance of Nonleaded Alloys in Chlorinated Potable Water. AWWA ACE, Jun 11-14, 2017, Philadelphia, PA.
* Roy, S. and M.A. Edwards. Science for the Public Good vs. Perverse Incentives in Academia. AAAS Annual Meeting, Feb 16-20, 2017, Boston, MA.
* Roy, S. and M.A. Edwards. The Flint Water Crisis: Responding to a Public Health Emergency. E.U. SAFEWATER Conference, Nov 23-24, 2016, Zurich, Switzerland.
Roy, S. and M.A. Edwards. Revisiting the public health tragedy in Flint and why we are ill-equipped to prevent another. APHA Annual Meeting and Expo, Oct 29-Nov 2, 2016, Denver CO.
Pieper, K.J., A. Katner, S. Roy, and M.A. Edwards. Lead in Water Equation: Understanding variables that influence lead in drinking water. UNC Water and Health, Oct 10-14, 2016, Chapel Hill, NC.
Roy, S. and M.A. Edwards. The Flint MI Water Crisis: Lessons in Communicating Science and Influencing Public Discourse with Research. AWWA ACE, Jun 19-22, 2016, Chicago, IL.
* Roy, S., K. Phetxumphou, A.M. Dietrich, P.A. Estabrooks, W. You, and B.M. Davy. Communicating Water Quality: Available tools for evaluation. UNC Water and Health Conference, Oct 26-30, 2015, Chapel Hill, NC.
Roy, S. and M.A. Edwards. Role of water hardness precipitation and flashing cavitation in erosion corrosion of copper in potable water systems. AWWA ACE Jun 7-10 2015, Anaheim CA.
** Phetxumphou, K.,^ S. Roy^, B.M. Davy, P.A. Estabrooks, W. You, and A.M. Dietrich. Evaluating readability and clarity of USEPA mandated Drinking Water Quality Reports: A National Assessment. AWWA ACE, Jun 7-10, 2015, Anaheim, CA. ^equal contribution
Roy, S. Revitalizing Ethics Training of STEM Graduates: The Tonawanda NY Experience. DuPont Summit on Science, Technology & Environmental Policy, Dec 5 2014, Washington, DC.
Roy, S. and M.A. Edwards. Erosion Corrosion of Copper as a function of temperature, flow rates and water hardness. AWWA ACE, Jun 8-12, 2014, Boston, MA.
Last updated: June 2022